Office of Transportation

需要搭车吗?? 我们提供从印第安纳州南本德到圣路易斯市奈尔斯的运输支持. Joseph and south Michigan locations. 


Individual Transportation Reservations

bet365中文大学为注册学生提供交通服务, 通过提交适当的到达或离开表格来申请bet365中文大学的现任教职员工和客人. 我们建议所有前往bet365中文校园的交通工具都安排在最终目的地南本德国际机场(SBN)。. 我们无法处理从其他机场(底特律机场)到达/离开的旅行请求, Michigan or Chicago, Illinois) due to distance and expense.
请查看个别申请表格的费用和其他信息.机场巴士 & 火车皮卡
航空公司, 通过填写适当的表格,可以与bet365中文运输办公室预约以下地点的公共汽车或火车交通. We will confirm your request via email.
All locations carry a $45 one way charge.

End of Year Shuttle:  点击这里

(这项接送服务是由学生参与办公室提供的, 领导, and Activities (SILA).  请直接向院长Darius Bridges咨询,邮箱
(Pl请注意 所有 Andrews University shuttle tickets are 退还的.  Tickets are for a specific date and time.)


Friday, May 3, 2024:  Departs PMC at 1:20 PM (EST)Boarding time 12:50 PM (EST).  Allow up to 3 hours travel time.

How do I get from a Chicago airport to 南 Bend, Indiana?   

Click on the options below for travel tips from Chicago, Illinois to the 南 Bend, Indiana International Airport. Cost and detailed information is subject to change. Please secure information from the direct websites provided.

Non-Emergency Student Transportation

bet365中文大学为注册学生提供前往医生预约的交通工具, Social Security meetings and non-emergency medical needs.  We do not provide transport for personal shopping.  Locations and costs are noted on the form. 我们要求所有请求在需要旅行前两天提交.



车辆申请预约只适用于bet365中文大学各部门,仅供bet365中文大学使用. We do not rent vehicles for private or non-University use所有车辆申请均须经指定司机批准,方可驾驶车队内任何车辆. 点击这里 for vehicle approval requirements.

We provide the following vehicle types for department use. 车辆可以租用一天的一部分,全天(8小时),每天(24小时)或按周租用. 请参阅个别申请表了解更多信息和/或发电子邮件给运输办公室以获取报价.

Vehicle Request Form 

  • Mini Van (7-passenger, includes driver)
  • Large Van (12-passenger, includes driver)
  • Minibus (15-passenger, includes driver)
  • 敞蓬小型载货卡车
  • 拖车:4x6, 6x10, 7x14, 7x16,汽车拖车(详细拖车信息: 点击这里)

University Class Field Trips

When planning a Class Field Trip that offers course credit, 这次旅行必须首先得到bet365中文风险管理办公室的批准.  Approval is secured by contacting their office at  点击这里 for the Andrews University Travel Policy.
Class Field Trip Requirements:
  • 班级实地考察和/或商用车的司机由bet365中文大学运输公司提供,需要计入旅行费用.
  • 所有参加一日游的学生和非参与教师/工作人员必须填写“保持无害协议”, which your department will need to keep on file for three years.
  • 所有课程的过夜旅行都需要院长和管理部门的批准.
  • Please review current AU Covid-19 policies when planning any Andrews University trips. 

School or Tour Bus Request - email or c所有 the Transportation office for a quote.

请填写表格上的所有问题,并附上您的旅行日程(如果需要)和旅行批准证明的副本. 一旦所有必要的信息提交,报价将通过电子邮件提供.

Transportation Vehicle Capacity


    Mini Van (7-passenger)—includes driver
    Large Van (12-passenger)—includes driver
    Mini Bus (15-passenger)—includes driver
    School Bus (58-passenger)—includes driver
    Tour Buses (52- and 56-passenger)—includes driver

Telephone 269-471-3519

Transportation Policies

  • To 所有ow Transportation employees to observe Sabbath, 个人交通服务将于每周日落前一小时停止运作 Friday through Sunday at 8 a.m.
  • 所有在营业时间(周一至周四)以外提交的预订表格将不被确认,直到下一个工作日.
  • 请求从周五中午到周一上午9点发送到部门.m. will be processed when the office opens on Monday at 9 a.m.
  • 所有费用在服务时向当前AU ID或部门IDC收取.
  • 所有在旅行日期前少于两个完整工作日提交的预订将产生25美元或100美元的旅游/校车预订延迟预订费. 周日或周一的申请必须在周四下午3点前提交.m. 

Transportation Office Hours

Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–12:00 noon, 1:00 pm - 5 p.m.
Friday, 9–11:30 a.m.

COVID 19-Testing

bet365中文大学交通办公室将提供交通工具到Niles和St. Joseph area pharmacies and clinics. 我们不提供前往南本德药店和诊所的交通服务. 请在预约时间前至少24小时填写学生医疗申请表,以安排接送. Testing sites can be found by clicking on the link below.

You can find information on local COVID-19 testing options here.

Andrews University Travel

bet365中文大学管理部门的首要任务是帮助确保和保护学生和员工的健康和安全. 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,这一优先事项继续成为焦点. 结果是, 我们将继续根据疾病预防控制中心以及州和地方公共卫生部门正在进行和不断变化的指导方针制定COVID-19协议.

给n that context, 接种疫苗和获得免疫的学生和员工被允许参加大学赞助的旅行. 例如, such persons may engage in approved academic-related travel, such as field trips, 班级旅行, 还有游学.  请查看“校园协议”,了解最新的COVID-19政策和程序.   COVID网页


在计划未来的学术旅行时,请考虑bet365中文大学的交通工具, vacations and travel plans. 

It is never too early to ask for costs, 协助或说明如何开始规划您的交通需求. 只需填写适当的申请表或联系交通办公室寻求帮助: We are happy to help.
For F所有/Spring or future semester dates, 点击这里 for the current Andrews University Academic Calendar.